It was announced to all students of the Master of Notary Study Program, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University that the Schedule for Payment of Tuition Fees, Her-Registration, and Filling in IRS, and Lectures for Even Semester 2023/2024 is as follows:

  • Payment of education fees for the Even Semester 2023/2024 (2-January-2024 to 3-February-2024)
  • Her-Registration Academic for even semester 2023/2024 (3-January-2024 to 4-February-2024)
  • PBM Evaluation for Odd Semester 2023/2024 (3-January-2024 to 4-February-2024)
  • Academic registration (filling out IRS) Even semester 2023/2024 (29-January-2024 to 4-February-2024)
  • Even semester lectures 2023/2024 (12-February-2024 to 7-June-2024)

After making the SPP payment, immediately register and evaluate the previous semester’s PBM to be able to fill in the IRS for the Even semester 2023/2024