Semarang, May 19, 2024 – On Sunday, the Ballroom of Gand Edge Hotel Semarang was filled with enthusiastic participants participating in the “Training on National Cooperative Development and Notary Making Cooperative Deeds”. This event presented a prominent speaker, Mr. Suparyono, S.H., M.M., who currently serves as Assistant Deputy for Cooperative Institutional and Governance at the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkop RI).
In his speech, Mr. Suparyono emphasized the importance of the role of cooperatives in national economic development. He also explained the various challenges and opportunities faced by cooperatives in this digital era. “Cooperatives must be able to adapt to technological developments to remain relevant and competitive. In addition, the legality and accountability of cooperatives need to be strengthened through the role of competent notaries,” he said.
This training also aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the legal and technical aspects of making cooperative deeds. Mr. Suparyono explained the various procedures and requirements that must be met, as well as provided practical guidance for notaries in handling the preparation of cooperative deeds.
In addition to Mr. Suparyono’s presentation, this event was also filled with interactive question and answer sessions, where participants could directly discuss and ask questions related to the problems they faced in the field. This is a valuable opportunity for participants to get solutions directly from experts.
This training event was attended by various parties involved in the cooperative world, ranging from cooperative administrators, prospective notaries, to academics and legal practitioners. They appreciated the initiative of the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives in organizing this training as a concrete step in supporting the development of cooperatives in Indonesia.
At the end of the event, Mr. Suparyono hoped that the knowledge gained during this training could be applied well by the participants for the progress of cooperatives in their respective regions. “Let us together build a modern, transparent, and accountable cooperative for common welfare,” he concluded.
This training is expected to be a good start for improving the quality and professionalism of cooperatives in Indonesia, as well as strengthening the role of notaries in supporting legality and public trust in cooperatives.