Joko Saksono, S.Kom., Deputy Director of the Directorate of Information Technology, Communication and Reporting UNDIP, Leads Website Standardization Materials in the Noormans Hotel Ballroom
Semarang, November 23, 2023 - Diponegoro University held a website standardization assistance activity guided by Joko Saksono, S.Kom., Deputy Director of the Directorate of Information Technology, Communication and Reporting UNDIP. This event aims to improve the...
Septi Wulandari from iNews Shares Expertise in Assistance Activities for Diponegoro University Website Standardization in the Noormans Hotel Ballroom
Semarang, November 23, 2023 - Today, the Ballroom of the Noormans Hotel witnessed website standardization assistance activities organized by Diponegoro University. This event was attended by various parties from the university environment, including IT staff, web...
Diponegoro University Held a Website Standardization Workshop at the Noormans Hotel Semarang
Semarang, November 23, 2023 - Diponegoro University strengthens their commitment to improving the quality of online services by holding a website standardization assistance workshop. This event took place successfully in the Ballroom of the Normans Hotel Semarang and...
Announcement of List of Names of Candidates for Proposal and Thesis Examinations on November 24, 2023
THE FOLLOWING IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT for the List of Names of Candidates for the Proposal and Thesis Examination on November 24, 2023, which can be seen below: PROPOSAL AND THESIS EXAMINATION 24 NOVEMBER 2023 Provisions for Implementing Proposal and Thesis Examinations:...
Decision of the Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Concerning the Conversion of Accreditation Rankings for the Notarial Study Program in the Masters Program at Diponegoro University, Semarang City
Based on the Decree of the Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 4746/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/M/XI/2023 concerning Conversion of Accreditation Rankings for the Notarial Study Program in the Masters Program at...
National Seminar for the Retirement of Prof. Erlyn Indarti, S.H., M.A., Ph.D.
On Tuesday, October 3 2023, the "National Seminar on the Retirement of Prof. Erlyn Indarti, S.H., M.A., Ph.D,", This seminar was opened and welcomed by the Dean of the Undip Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. "This event was initiated by the...